Christmas Past: Gingerbread House 2006

We made and cut our own pattern for this one this particular year.  We often use the Wilton houses but this year the kids wanted to make it from beginning to end so we did.  It was so much work but SO MUCH FUN!!!

Front view

The back view

The decorators!!! They were so excited that I was not playing dictator today… LOL

What I did while they decorated! I made pillowcases for cousins today. See, I do more than cook!!! LOL

Have a Merry Christmas!!!!!

The children pictured above are now 24, 19, and 17… the baby (who was toddling around the house when this was taken) was 2 and is now 13.  They grow up quickly Mamas… enjoy every minute with them!

Sewing – Clothespin Bag and some Memories

From summer 2016 – Our dryer has been broken for almost 2 months.  We had other expenses so the repair was put on hold until we could afford to call a guy.  This really is not such a big deal because it was easy to put a clothesline up in a pinch.  I did, however, have to go and buy some clothespins because the wind kicks up and things blow off the line around here a lot.  Wooden clothespins are about $1.80 or so at Walmart.  They were not a huge expense.

I decided to make a bag for the clothespins using scraps I had in the fabric scrap box. The fabric was leftover from when I recovered the trailer cushions this summer.  I don’t think I shared those with you!  I need to do that.  They turned out really cute.  Anyway… outdoor fabric, some leftover velcro and about 10 minutes and this is what I got.  It is not perfect but it does the job.

I liked the idea of closing the bag to keep dirt and bugs out while it was in use on the line and it is easily opened and pinned to use when I need to grab pins out while I load the line.

See… open…

and closed

and the line

I am considering installing a permanent line now because I really love the way my stuff smells when it comes off the line.  The crunchy towels remind me of my grandmother’s line in her backyard.  I can picture her bathroom cabinets full of freshly line dried towels and washcloths and her sheets were always stiff and fresh smelling.  I used to love roaming around through the sheets and towels when I was a kid, too, hiding from my brothers of course!

Update:  Still no permanent clothesline.  With cold weather on the way it will need to wait until spring but I still want one!  LOL