My Aunt Dorothy’s Squash Dressing

*  1 pan of basic cornbread (I leave the sugar out of the recipe I shared below) – about 3 to 4 cups crumbled


*  1 stick of butter


*  about 1 cup of Trinity (2 parts onion to one part bell pepper and one part celery)


*  3 cups cooked zucchini squash (chopped small)


*  1 1/2 cups cream of chicken soup


*  salt and pepper to taste


Saute the Trinity ingredients in butter and then combine all the ingredients in a casserole dish.  Bake for 30 to 40 minutes at 400 degrees


*  My gluten free version simply calls for replacing the regular flour in my cornbread with Bob’s Red Mill 1 to 1 gluten free flour blend.


*  You can also make it vegetarian/vegan by subbing a vegan “butter” and a vegan cream soup of your choice… mushroom, broccoli, etc…  and use an egg free cornbread recipe.  


I am all about eating what I love and making it work from my old recipes.  When I can convert an old recipe to fit a new need and make it an acceptable substitute that still tastes good I do.  It MUST taste good, though!



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